Connected words

We start this collection of connected words with “Sayings”.

Don’t you sometimes agonise over that elusive word? You know it means “porch” but you are looking for a grander word: porte cochere, perhaps, or vestibule, or perhaps something more simpler like entranceway. The word you want is just out of your reach.

This section is a work in progress. Connected word groups will be added from time to time to build up a memory prompt of the word you are seeking.


An adage is a traditional saying presenting a long-held belief. (French from Latin ad + ag, to say).


An aphorism is a terse saying embodying a general truth or observation.  (originally from the Greek aphorizein, to define).


An apothegm is a short, pithy saying; like an aphorism, but more pointed and practical. (from Greek apo + phthengesthai , forth + utter).


An axiom is a self-evident truth, established principle that needs no proof. (French axiome, from Latin axioma something worthy).


A dictum is an authoritative, often formal announcement, a judicial pronouncement. (Latin dicere to say).


An epigram is a witticism or saying concisely expressed.  (from Greek epigraphein to write upon).


A maxim is a general principle serving as a rule or guide; a principle of conduct; general truth drawn from science, or experience. Also, a proverb. (originally from Latin magnus great: loosely, great opinion).


A motto is a brief statement expressing a goal, principle, or an ideal. (from Latin muttum sound utterance).


A proverb is a brief saying that expresses a basic truth. (Middle English proverbe from Latin pro + verbum for + word).

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By Nigel Benetton, science fiction author of Red Moon Burning and The Wild Sands of Rotar

Last updated: Friday, 24th April 2020